Astrology terms associated with
Casting a Horoscope:
- Affliction
: An outdated term which served
to consider certain relationships between planets and other planets,
or between planets and signs to be just plain bad. In light of how
we use Astrology today, there are no such things as just good or bad
Aspects, influences are seen in the light of tension and stress or
ease and harmony.
- Angle, Angular
: The horoscope or chart is divided into twelve sections known
as Houses. The Cardinal points are known as the angles of the chart.
Beginning with the 1st house, the Rising Sign or Ascendant, where
the Sun rises in the morning; opposite the ascendant is the 7th House
or Descendant, where the Sun sets in the evening; overhead is the
10th House or Meridian, Medium Chili, where the Sun is at its apex
at Noon; and opposite this is the 4th house, where the Sun is below
the Earth at midnight. These Cardinal points are of primary importance
in the erecting and interpretation of a chart.
- Applying Aspect :
Refers to the relationship of two planets when in Aspect to each other.
The coming together of the planets before forming a Conjunction is
known as an applying Aspect. When separating from a Conjunction, it
is known as a separating Aspect.
- Aspect :
Refers to the relationship between planets in the Ecliptic. There
are major Aspects: Conjunction, Opposition, Square, Trine and Sextile;
and Minor Aspects: Semi-square, Semi-sextile, Inconjunct, Sesqui-quadrate.
There are others of lesser strength and significance.
- Cadent :
The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Houses of a chart are known as the Cadent
Houses. They refer to areas of life that are more mental than emotional
or physical.
- Cardinal :
Angles of the chart that begin with the Equinox and Solstice points
of the seasons. Associated with the Vernal Equinox each Spring, about
March 21st. Begins with the Rising Sign, Ascendant or 1st house degree.
- Circle :
The astrological symbol in casting for a "higher" or "spiritual" self.
- Configuration :
Usually refers to a pattern of Aspects in the horoscope.
: Aspect wherein the planets
are within approximately 8 degrees of the same place in the Zodiac.
at right: Elizabeth
Taylor, whose astrological chart reveals a Venus conjunction with
- Cosmic Cross, Grand Cross :
A pattern formed by the planets when in Aspect. The T-cross happens
when two planets in opposition have a third planet Square to each
one. The Cosmic or Grand Cross happens when two planets are in opposition
and two other planets in opposition cross them at 90 degree angles.
The Grand Cross will occur within the same quality; Cardinal, Fixed
or Mutable, thereby making them extremely important. The T-cross or
T-square is the same but contains only three planets in Square Aspect
and two in Opposition.
- Crescent :
Symbol for the Moon in casting. Represents the personality or ego.
- Critical degrees :
the places of certain fixed stars regarded as of particular importance;
also the Cusps of the Lunar Mansions.
- Cross :
Symbol for matter in casting, or for a physical reference. Used with
the Circle to signify the spiritual and physical nature.
: Less than favorable position of a planet in a sign.
The opposite of a planets 'Dignity'. Planetary traits operate better
in certain signs than in others.
: Angle formed by the plane
of a planet's orbit and the Earth's equator. It is measured in degrees
of arc north and south of the equator.
Image at Right: The
planet Mars.
- Degree
: One degree out of the thirty
in a sign, or of 360 in the circle. Can refer to the exact degree
rising at the time of birth. The Rising Sign or Ascendant.
: Degree and sign opposite the
Ascendant. The 7th house. One of the four important Angles in a chart.
- Detriment :
Weak position for a planet in the opposite of a sign it 'rules'.
- Direct :
The forward motion of a planet, counterclockwise as it moves through
the Zodiac.
- Directions :
Term given to the method used to predict events based on a Natal or
Mundane chart. Also called primary and secondary Directions.
- Dragon's head :
Refers to the Moon's north node. The north node is the point at which
the Moon crosses the equator moving from south to north. It is considered
a fortunate point.
- Dragon's tail :
Moon's south node, exactly opposite the north node. Considered a point
of challenge or opportunity depending upon your point of view.
: Horary chart cast to aid
in determining the proper time for initiating a given action.
Image at right: Napoleon
Bonaparte, who had Elections worked up before setting specific
dates for offensive battle campaigns.
- Elevated
: Planet placed in an elevated
position in the chart, near the Midheaven or upper meridian, the 10th
- Exaltation :
When a planet is positioned in certain signs it shows greater strength,
such as the Sun in Aries.
- Fall :
When a planet is positioned in certain signs it shows weakness. A
planet in its Fall would be in the opposite sign of its Exaltation;
such as Sun in Libra is opposite Sun in Aries. Sun in Aries is exalted;
but the Sun in Libra is in its Fall.
- Geocentric :
Refers to the Earth as the center of human experience, therefore becomes
the center in the plotting of a chart. All happenings are considered
Earth centered.
- Grand trine :
The position of two planets 120 degrees apart is called a Trine. When
there are three planets, each 120 degrees apart, a Grand Trine is
formed. This is a major Configuration in a chart.
- Heliocentric :
Refers to the Sun as the center. A separate branch of astrological
- Hemisphere emphasis :
All planets in the chart east, west, south or north.
- Horizon :
The line that marks the Ascendant and Descendant. The point where
the Sun rises, Ascendant and sets, Descendant.
The Twelve Signs
of the Zodiac
First sign
March 22 - April 20
Symbol: Ram
Second sign
April 21 - May 21
Symbol: Bull
Third sign
May 22 - June 22
Symbol: Twins
Fourth sign
June 23 - July 22
Symbol: Crab
Fifth sign
July 23 - August 23
Symbol: Lion
Sixth sign
August 24 - Sept 23
Symbol: Maiden
Seventh sign
Sept 24 - Oct 23
Symbol: Scales
Eighth sign
Oct 24 - Nov 22
Symbol: Scorpion
Ninth sign
Nov 23 - Dec 22
Symbol: Archer
Tenth sign
Dec 23 - Jan 19
Symbol: Sea goat
Eleventh sign
Jan 20 - Feb 19
Water bearer
Twelfth sign
Feb 20 - March 21
Symbol: Fish pair
The Twelve Houses
Each of the twelve houses of
the chart define an area of life. Our personal signs and planets
appear in the houses based on the date, place and time of our
birth. The houses show the areas of life wherein our interests
and interaction play out.
First House
Physical Body,
Outer Personality, Persona
Second House
Personal Finances and Feelings
Third House
Personal Communication, Intellect, Early Education
Fourth House
Early Environment, Home, Tradition
Fifth House
Personal Creativity, Pleasure, Children
Sixth House
Work and Health
Seventh House
Relationships, Partnerships
Eighth House
Relationship Finances
Ninth House
Ideals, Philosophy, Challenge, Travel
Tenth House
Vocation, Trade Reputation
Eleventh House
Social Conscience, Friends and Group Activities
Twelfth House
Unconscious, Secrets, Fears, Sorrow and Seclusion