A study of the positions and
relationships of the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets in order to judge
their influence on human actions.
The Chaldaeans and Assyrians, believing all events to be predetermined,
developed a nondeistic system of divination.
The spread of astrological practice was arrested by the rise of
Christianity, with its emphasis on divine intervention and free
will; but in the Renaissance astrology regained popularity, in part
due to rekindled interest in science and Astronomy.
Christian theologians attacked astrology, and in 1585 Sixtus V
condemned it.
Columbia Encyclopedia

The stars
are mansions built by nature's hand,
And, haply, there the spirits of the blest
Dwell clothed in radiance, their immortal vest.
Wordsworth |

Deep in
the shady sadness of a vale
Far sunken from the healthy breath of morn,
Far from the fiery noon, and eve's one star,
Sat gray-haired Saturn, quiet as a stone.
Keats |

The Lyon's
herte is called of some men, the Royall Starre, for they that are borne under
it, are thought to have a royall nativitie.
Salysbury |
Read what Sydney Omarr
says about Earthlore's Lore of Astrology:

"Be sure to visit the Astrology section
of this gorgeous site, dedicated to the history and mythology of many traditions.
One of the most beautifully designed sites we've seen."
- Sydney Omarr
| |
Heaven is full of the gods
to whom we give the name of
Aristotle, Writing to Alexander
history, the study of Astrology has attempted
to apprehend the unknowable, to secure answers to questions about
who we are and what meaning our life has in the greater unfolding
of creation. The Lore of Astrology is a continuation of this ancient
quest for meaning and order. This work is founded on the belief that
the understanding of Astrology is not a closed book. There
is much to be discovered still. Through a dedicated search one may
yet come to understand and become more active in his/her relationship
to the universe in which we exist.
pursuit of Astrological knowledge has
taken a variety of paths throughout the world. The names of those
who have pioneered the science and art of Astrology are legion.
Many of these figures are well known to history.
Claudius Ptolemy, Paracelsus, Johann
Kepler, Jerome Cardan, Campanus, Sir Christopher Hayden, Tycho Brahe,
John Flamsteed, Sir
Isaac Newton, these and hundreds more are collectively responsible
for the wealth of Astrological knowledge we possess today.
science of Astronomy had it origins in Astrology. How these
great thinkers, with their meager tools and facilities, deduced
with such accuracy the planetary movements and measurements, never
ceases to awaken wonder and justify respect. The approximate correctness
of their calculations is continually confirmed by modern science.
history Astrology has maintained a central presence. Research
into the old and new testaments show an abundance of astrological
symbolism and lore. Renowned writers and poets have attributed a
deeper knowledge of life and human nature to their studies into
Astrology. There is verifiable information that during the second
world war, both the Allies and the Nazis were using astrology to
plot the outcome of battles. More recently, in the 1980s, the media
vilified US President and Mrs. Reagan for consulting an Astrologer
and scheduling events based on positioning of the stars.
- Mansion of Kings |
complete listing of those who consult
Astrologers would be vast. Many of these names would be well
known. Ones seeking such knowledge come from all walks of life,
the famous to the infamous to the person in the street. Many
who will publicly claim "Ba humbug", may be found, privately,
reading their daily horoscope. Being human, we each, at some
point, wish to peek into our destiny. We all want to know what
is written for us, and why we are here. Astrology has sought
to address this yearning like no other development in human history. |

constellation Pleiades;
significant to many cultures.
the twentieth century, Astrology has grown to become a valuable
tool of many psychologists. Carl G. Jung, considered the father of
modern psychology, studied Astrology extensively, and believed it
to be an important asset in understanding the human psyche.
theory of Synchronicity was based on his
understanding of Astrology. "A thing or person born at a particular
moment in time, takes on the characteristics of that moment in time."
Sounds like the basis of Astrology, doesn't it?
The most ancient observation
of Jupiter which we are acquainted with is that reported by
Ptolemy in Book X of the Almagest, and considered by him
free from all doubt. It is dated in the 83rd year after the
death of Alexander, on the 18th of the Egyptian month Epiphi,
in the morning, when the planet eclipsed the star now known
as Cancri.
Hind's 'Solar System' |
its long journey, Astrology has evolved
from a science of observation relating the coincidences between events
on earth to celestial phenomenon, to a more self centered process.
This occurred through a more humanistic approach of people like Jung,
Maslow, Jones, Carter, Rudhyar and others. This method of Astrology
assists people in resolving their personal and interpersonal conflicts.
- The Star of the Bow |
the focus is less on predicting the future,
as on helping people realize their unique potential. From this perspective,
there are no certain good or bad aspects, only what a person is capable
of achieving. Thus,
a birth chart, a horoscope, as a language, a set of instructions,
that if followed, can lead to self actualization. It is a language
that can show you what you are about and your relationship within
the greater whole. Destiny is therefore, no more, no less, than self actualization.