the traits of one sign sometimes
predominate over the next sign, I look to the placement of Mercury to
further define the cusp sign.
is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun, either ahead or behind
the Sun. So, Mercury is always in your sun sign or in one of the two signs
on either side of your Sun sign. Although the position of Mercury is very
important in everyone's chart, it is a pivotal position when you are born
on a cusp.
your sun sign is 29 degrees Virgo.
If Mercury were behind the Sun, a lesser degree than the Sun, than it
would be in Virgo too, reinforcing the Virgo traits. Remember,
Mercury is never more than 28 degrees behind or ahead of the Sun. If Mercury
were ahead of the Sun, then it would be in Libra, emphasizing the Libran
traits. Mercury shows how you think and communicate. Mercury is prominent
in making analytical judgments. Mercury makes intellectual judgments devoid
of feelings.

Virgo by Susan
Seddon Boulet
this you would look to Venus. Venus
is never more than 46 degrees from the position of the Sun, either ahead
or behind it. Venus shows how you feel, how you value anything based on
judgment. Good or bad, like or dislike, pleasant or unpleasant. Venus
makes value judgments, based on feelings.
Sun, Mercury and Venus represent the basic self. What you are predisposed
to. The undeveloped self, before personality, the Moon, is formed.

Z o d i a c
Art by : Liz Jardine
is meant to give you a basic understanding of the cusp influence. Looking
at Mercury and Venus, the judgment qualities of thought and feeling, we get better
insight into the influence governing the cusp type.
astrology chart is interpreted as a whole, therefore, just giving
a view of certain parts is not really telling the whole story. To know
the whole story, you really need to have your chart setup and analyzed
by a person thoroughly versed and completely competent in the art and
science. If you wish to study beyond the Sun sign influences, it may be
time to have a chart drawn and interpreted for yourself. If this is a
sincere interest, send us an e-mail and we will provide you with more
information and recommend several options.
Write to: horoscopes@elore