"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival." —Winston Churchill, born November 30, 1874
At the heart of Sagittarian lore stands the centaur Chiron; the figure of philosopher and teacher within Greek mythology. As a centaur, Chiron personifies the very soul of Sagittarius. Here is a symbol of half man, half horse, portraying the conflict between the philosophical mind and the carnal instinct of human nature. The glyph represents an arrow slung in a bow, aiming at the stars. This symbol corresponds with the Sagittarian ideals of cosmic progress and abundance. The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter.
Sagittarians are positive people; they have a bright outlook on life, are enterprising, full of energy and vitality. Versatile, adventurous and eager to expand their range beyond the comfortable and familiar. They enjoy travel and exploring, and their minds are continually searching for new experiences. They are ambitious, optimistic folk, and nothing seems to get them down. They are idealists, and this seems to keep them going even when life disappointments crop up and smash their plans. "To keep on, keepin' on" is a Sagittarian way of life. They have a tendency to get over zealous when they are interested in something. They are believers, and what they believe in, they are willing to fight for. They are paradoxically loyal and independent at the same time, natively adept at balancing both traits.
You see, I want a lot.
Perhaps I want everything:
the darkness that comes from every infinite fall
and the shivering blaze of every step up.
So many live on and want nothing ...
You have not grown old, and it is not too late
to dive into your increasing depths
where life calmly gives out its own secret.
From: A Book for the Hours of Prayer by Rainer Maria Rilke, born December 4, 1875
( Translation by Robert Bly )
Sagittarians are usually modest and often spiritual, with strong values. They like rituals, and sometimes can get caught up in form, rather than substance. They are profound thinkers, and are gifted with foresight and good judgment. Witty conversationalists and story tellers, they do have the gift of gab. They are avid learners, love to initiate new projects and make great researchers. They are quick studies, with keen minds.
They have an expectant attitude and a penchant for new experiences, which may account for the fact that Sagittarians are noted for their longevity. They are often intuitive and original thinkers. Better at adapting than inventing, they work well in collaboration with others. A strong-will and good organization ability combined with their other talents usually bring any project they undertake to a successful conclusion. They are generous by nature, but are quite resourceful in caring for and balancing their resources.
"Sometimes I think of myself as a little bee. I go from one area of the Studio to another and gather pollen and sort of stimulate everybody. I guess that's the job I do." —Walt Disney, born December 5, 1901
The vices to which Sagittarius is prone are anger—they tend to flare up over trifles, and impatience—they want to rush every new project through immediately and can be too demanding. They are quick to jump on inadequacies of others while expecting full recognition of their own efforts. This is not to say that they do not deserve the recognition. In completing a major project Sagittarius will sacrifice everything else before it. Often, though, they can be exacting, and inconsiderate in their work life, while boastful and extravagant in their private lives. The great achiever or the wastrel. There is also a side of the Sagittarian that is quite superstitious, and reading into signs and portents would not be uncommon. The Sagittarius love of sports often leads to an indulgence in dangerous pursuits. Many centaurs are prone to accidents due to a tendency of taking too many risks.
Of all the planets within our solar system, Mercury is nearest to the Sun. There is a direct correspondence to this fact in the mapping of an individual's birth chart. With the exception of the Moon, Mercury revolves through the zodiac faster than any other planet; yet its proximity to the Sun insures that its placement will always be near to or on par with the subject's Solar sign.
It is likely that you will be able to determine where Mercury was at the time of your birth without consulting an astrologer. By reading the three potential profiles, it is often uncanny how clearly one of them will fit to us. I thought you would enjoy trying this out for yourself. You can explore the three positions of Mercury through the following links:
Mercury in Scorpio Mercury in Sagittarius Mercury in Capricorn
I am always interested to know what you think and discover. Feel welcome to write! Material is currently being developed on the other planets. If you are interested, we would be pleased to keep you updated on their progress. Just send me a brief request!
Sagittarians are versatile people and can be found in a number of professions. They are by nature teachers and philosophers. Nothing is better play to a Sagittarian than expounding on the moral principles, laws and ideas that explain the universe. Through these traits they serve well as theologians or scientists. They are also suited to the law, politics, public service or social administration. Being natural communicators, they do well in public relations or advertising. Inquisitive and restless, they suffer if their opportunities are limited, but they thrive within their natural field of travel and exploration. Many Sagittarians will be found in jobs that allow them to exercise their natural desire to see the world. If it can be said that there is one true Sagittarian vocation, it is to guide and educate.
"The aim of art is to project an inner vision into the world, to state in aesthetic creation the deepest psychic and personal experiences of a human being. It is to enable those experiences to be intelligible and generally recognized within the total framework of an ideal world."
—Bruce Lee, born November 27, 1940
Sagittarians are ardent, sincere and straightforward in relationships. They are generally conventional and in control of their sexual natures. Because of their independent nature, maintaining a close personal relationship is difficult. They prefer a solid home base, but as a place to return to when they have completed a particular travel venture. They have a compelling need to feel free, and sometimes make this choice at the expense of a 9 to 5 career, or even a family.
"Ted needs someone to be there 100% of the time. He thinks that's love. It's not love—it's babysitting."
—Jane Fonda, born December 21, 1937
In friendship they are reliable, and can be counted on. However, they have a quick temper and a biting tongue, often speaking before giving forethought to the full effect of their words. Their rage may pass quickly, but the stinging of their comments often remains. On the other hand, they are quick to forgive an affront and extremely dependable to a friend or family member who needs looking after.
"Oh, I just wish someone would try to hurt you so I could kill them for you."
—Frank Sinatra, born December 12, 1915
Mythology is closely interwoven with Astrology. Despite all that we do not know about the origins of either lore it is certain that starwatching began with passion on humanity's first night beneath the open sky. Somewhere in time, shapes were perceived, figures imagined, names given and stories were told about the densely populated tapestry of the heavens. All elder cultures throughout the world developed tales of the constellations which over time were imbued with meaning to explain various phenomena of our existence within the cosmos.
Mythology in general is far more than a collection of "make believe" fantasies created by primitive societies to explain away what they could not understand. The role of Myth in a society was to set the abstract complexities of Nature within a context of story that the human mind could comprehend. Wondering long on what keeps the world from falling through space or whether the dawn will follow night is a costly distraction when there is hunting to do and crops to tend. Story sets cosmic ideas in a scale we can relate to, human scale, which establishes a sense of accord and instills a faith that all is well with the universe.
Astrology and Mythology serve a similar function in this regard. We benefit from Astrology not so much as a tool of fortune-telling but as a directional guide to understanding who we are individually and what our unique role ought to be in this life. As Carl Jung stated, Astrology claims only that we each possess the qualities of the year and of the season in which we were born. To discern just what those qualities are ... is as fascinating to each of us as the night sky.
"One of the things that makes Hamlet unique among Shakespeare's characters is his courage to face up to the darker elements of his personality."
—Kenneth Branagh, born December 10, 1960
Centaurs belong primarily to Greek mythology. Within one form, they combine a savage and untamed animal nature with an ancient wisdom of human culture. The wisest, and in some references, oldest of the centaurs was Chiron. Tamer, perhaps, than his kindred, Chiron was taken in and educated by the gods. Rather than selfishly retain this knowledge, Chiron tutored the great heroes of Greece. Among his charges were non less than Achilles, Acteon, Jason and Hercules.
In a tragic irony, Chiron was wounded with a poisoned arrow by his student and friend, Hercules. Being immortal, the centaur's agony was unbearable. Chiron forsook his immortality, and gave the mantle to Prometheus. Zeus set Chiron's image in the night sky to honor the memory of this noble teacher. To this day we recognize his form as the constellation of Sagittarius.
Castor and Pollux were the sons of Jupiter and Leda, and brothers of Helen of Troy. Castor was the manager of horses; Pollux, a famous soldier. Chiron trained them, and they sailed with the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece. The brothers are associated with the sign of Gemini, which is the complementary opposite of Sagittarius in the zodiac.
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
"Nothing that grieves us can be called little: by the eternal laws of proportion a child's loss of a doll and a king's loss of a crown are events of the same size."
"Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations and resentments flit away and a sunny spirit takes their place."
Mark Twain, Born: November 30, 1835Remember when the music Came from wooden boxes strung with silver wire And as we sang the words, it would set our minds on fire, For we believed in things, and so we'd sing. Remember when the music Brought the night across the valley as the day went down And as we'd hum the melody, we'd be safe inside the sound, And so we'd sleep, for we had dreams to keep. I feel that something's coming, and it's not just in the wind. It's more than just tomorrow, it's more than where we've been, It offers me a promise, it's telling me "Begin", I know we're needing something worth believing in. —Harry Chapin (Born December 7, 1942)