"I refuse to accept the idea that man is mere flotsam and jetsam in the river of life, unable to influence the unfolding events which surround him." —Martin Luther King, Jr., born January 15, 1929
Capricorn, whose constellation is known as Capricornus, is one of the oldest of the astrological interpretations. Ruled by Saturn, its symbol is the goat. This is sometimes depicted as a sea borne hybrid or Dolphin. The image is often an animal with the body of a goat and the tail of a fish. In one tradition the image represents the god Pan transforming into a sea creature.
A representation, perhaps, of the extremities found within this Astrological sign.
The Capricornian is generally a serious character possessing a wry sense of humor. Independent, steady as a rock, Capricorn reflects earthy qualities that range from clever to vacuous. Mostly cautious, confident, strong willed, reasonable and hard working, Capricorns are a rock upon which to build. They are often aloof, shrewd, practical, responsible and persevering. They are capable of great endurance; a whatever it takes, for as long as it takes persistence. Reliable in any profession they undertake, although short on originality, they usually excel in following up on what someone else has started.
Thou wouldst be loved?—then let thy heart
From its present pathway part not!
Being everything which now thou art,
Be nothing which thou art not.
So with the world thy gentle ways,
Thy grace, thy more than beauty,
Shall be an endless theme of praise,
And love—a simple duty.
—Edgar Allan Poe, born January 19, 1809
Within prescribed areas, Capricorn is a resourceful, practical manager. These folks set high standards for themselves and others. They are self critical, and work well in a disciplined environment, demanding equal measures of seriousness and dedication from their subordinates. A careful, ambitious planner, Capricorn moves forward with quiet, deliberate persistence. They can be quite frugal, demonstrating remarkable ability to achieve results with minimum effort and expense. Highly organized, they excel in managing several projects simultaneously.
Capricorn will often vie for a position of authority. Once attaining control, they are demanding and exacting in leadership. Although firm, they are usually fair to people they deal with. They value tradition, the tried and true, more than innovation. "We always do it this way," was no doubt first said by a Capricorn. Their naturally pessimistic nature is the foundation of their wry sense of humor, which some find not humorous at all. They can indeed spread tension and gloom in a minute and are quite capable of bringing down the house and everyone in it. Never really up, but often down, a positive environment is essential to enliven their spirits.
"Heathenism is a state of mind. I'm referring to one who does not see his world. He has no mental light. He destroys almost unwittingly. He cannot feel any God's presence in his life. He is the 21st century man."
—David Bowie, born January 8, 1947
Capricorns tend to be profound thinkers. To them life is a serious business, and the need to be in control of their affairs and concerns is paramount. They are seekers after knowledge and wisdom. Rational, logical and clearheaded, they have excellent concentration, and delight in all forms of inquiry and debate.
Of all the planets within our solar system, Mercury is nearest to the Sun. There is a direct correspondence to this fact in the mapping of an individual's birth chart. With the exception of the Moon, Mercury revolves through the zodiac faster than any other planet; yet its proximity to the Sun insures that its placement will always be near to or on par with the subject's Solar sign.
It is likely that you will be able to determine where Mercury was at the time of your birth without consulting an astrologer. By reading the three potential profiles, it is often uncanny how clearly one of them will fit to us. I thought you would enjoy trying this out for yourself. You can explore the three positions of Mercury through the following links:
Mercury in Sagittarius Mercury in Capricorn Mercury in Aquarius
I am always interested to know what you think and discover. Feel welcome to write! Material is currently being developed on the other planets. If you are interested, we would be pleased to keep you updated on their progress. Just send me a brief request!
"Somewhere in your career, your work changes. It becomes less anal, less careful and more spontaneous, more to do with the information that your soul carries." —Ben Kingsley, born December 31, 1943
The occupations Capricorns usually choose are as; doctors, lawyers, accountants, and most any endeavor that deals with math or money. They excel as officers and administrators, especially where projects demanding long-term planning are concerned. Capricorns make excellent politicians due to their skill in debate, and serve exceptionally well as teachers or school principals. They do best in an environment wherein they can exercise their desire for authority and organization. They are good with their hands, and may choose to be engineers, farmers or builders. The wit and flippancy so characteristic of some Capricorns allows them to rise and prosper in the entertainment field; many are also strongly attracted to musical pursuits.
In personal relationships they tend to be uncomfortable. Rather self-centered, they are wary and suspicious of others. They often have few close friends, but will maintain these bonds their entire life. They are loyal to intimates, but indifferent and sometimes callous to those outside their circle. Never impetuous, they consider business and personal relationships carefully before becoming involved. These are family people, and family usually comes first, except where business is their primary concern.
"Capricornus, next to the eastward from Sagittarius, is our Capricorn, the French Capricorne, the Italian Capricorno, and the German Steinbock,—Stone-buck, or Ibex,—the Anglo-Saxon Bucca and Buccan Horn.
The common Latin name was varied by the Caper of Ausonius, flexus Caper of Manilius, Hircus, the Sea Goat. All this, doubtless, was from the Oriental legends, perhaps very ancient, which made Capricorn the nurse of the youthful sun-god that long anticipated the story of the infant Jupiter and Amalthea. The Latin poets also designated it as Neptuni proles, Neptune's offspring; Pelagi Procella, the Ocean Storm and Imbrifer, the Rain-bringing One.
In astrology, with Taurus and Virgo, it was the Earthly Trio, and black, russet, or a swarthy brown, was the color assigned to it; while with Aquarius, it was the House of Saturn, as that planet was created in this constellation, and whenever here had great influence over human affairs and it always goverened the thighs and knees. It also was regarded as under the care of the Roman goddess Vesta, and hence Vestae Sidus."
—Richard Hinckley Allen; Star-Names and Their Meanings, 1899
Mythology is closely interwoven with Astrology. Despite all that we do not know about the origins of either lore it is certain that starwatching began with passion on humanity's first night beneath the open sky. Somewhere in time, shapes were perceived, figures imagined, names given and stories were told about the densely populated tapestry of the heavens. All elder cultures throughout the world developed tales of the constellations which over time were imbued with meaning to explain various phenomena of our existence within the cosmos.
Mythology in general is far more than a collection of "make believe" fantasies created by primitive societies to explain away what they could not understand. The role of Myth in a society was to set the abstract complexities of Nature within a context of story that the human mind could comprehend. Wondering long on what keeps the world from falling through space or whether the dawn will follow night is a costly distraction when there is hunting to do and crops to tend. Story sets cosmic ideas in a scale we can relate to, human scale, which establishes a sense of accord and instills a faith that all is well with the universe.
Astrology and Mythology serve a similar function in this regard. We benefit from Astrology not so much as a tool of fortune-telling but as a directional guide to understanding who we are individually and what our unique role ought to be in this life.
As Carl Jung stated, Astrology claims only that we each possess the qualities of the year and of the season in which we were born. To discern just what those qualities are ... is as fascinating to each of us as the night sky.
The sign of Capricorn within the Astrological zodiac dates back at least some 4,000 years. It is known that the Sumerians placed a great emphasis upon this particular time of the period. During this earlier age, the winter solstice (now in Sagittarius) occurred within Capricorn. On this date, many cultures of the ancient world would perform elaborate rituals and carry out sacrifices.
Image at right : Struggle between Cupid and Pan by Francesco Mancini. The ancient Greeks recognized a natural correspondence between Capricorn and Pan.Among societies of the Mediterranean region, animals were associated with the four seasons. To each of these creatures belonged either a solstice or equinox. It is generally recognized that these figures were the bull, lion, scorpion and a sea creature. This imagery corresponds to the astrological signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn. In a symbolic ritual, kings of the period would combat and subdue these animals to represent dominion over the elements of the seasons.
The association of the goat with Capricorn dates back, at least, to ancient Babylon. The Greeks related the sign to their horned and cloven-footed god Pan. The image of the hybrid goat-fish creature corresponds to the tale of Pan's encounter with the beast Typhon. Attempting to escape the dreaded monster, Pan turned his lower half into a fish, in order to swiftly swim away. The Egyptians and Chinese recognized in this time of year the commencement of the much anticipated rainy season. Immediately following Capricorn are Aquarius, the water bearer, pouring moisture upon the earth, and Pisces, the fish, immersed in the unseen life giving forces of water.
Capricorn is also associated with the Babylonian god Ea, who wore a cloak designed as a fish's skin, complete with head and tail. One of his many names was "Antelope of the Seas". Ea is one of the world's great culture initiates, who rose from the oceans to teach wisdom to land-dwelling man.
"The passion in our nature urges a human being to choose "the one precious thing," and urges him to pay for it through poverty, conflict, deprivation, labor, and endurance of anger from rejected divinities. It is the warrior that enables the human being to decide to become a musician only, or a poet only, or a doctor only, or a hermit only, or a painter only. It is the lover in a man or woman who loves the one precious thing, and tells him what it is; but it is the warrior in Rembrandt or Mirabai who agrees to endure the suffering the choice entails."
Robert Bly, Born: December 23, 1926
It's like a book, I think, this bloomin' world, Which you can read and care for just so long, But presently you feel that you will die Unless you get the page you're readin' done, An' turn another—likely not so good; But what you're after is to turn 'em all. —Rudyard Kipling (Born December 30, 1865)