Twelfth century manuscript depicting the attack
on Thomas at the altar of
Canterbury cathedral.
Theobald's, death, Henry nominated Becket as archbishop of Canterbury.
Thomas's refusal to maintain both positions began a dispute between the
two friends which grew as they differed over the roles of church and state.
Their relationship severed completely with Becket's outright dismissal
of the Henry's Constitutions of Clarendon.
would not tolerate such an outright
defiance, and
charged Thomas with treason. Becket escaped arrest, fleeing to France, where he resided
in sanctuary at Sens cathedral. After six years in exile, a truce of necessity was
reached in 1170, and the archbishop returned home. However
a peace of agreement between them was not to be achieved. Unable
to bear with certain offenses to the church, which had arisen in his absence, Becket
excommunicated some of Henry's closest allies. Among the most powerful of these, were
the bishops of London and Salisbury.
believed that upon
his return to England, Thomas would change his stance regarding the
bishops. Becket stood firm in his condemnation, which enraged the king
further. The lore of history attributes to Henry, the words: "Who will
rid me of this meddlesome priest." Whether such words were actually
spoken, we know not. Yet it is easy to imagine such a complaint voiced
often during their years of estrangement and dispute.
December 29, 1170 Thomas was murdered upon the
altar of Canterbury cathedral by several of Henry's knights, acting either on their
own outrage or a ill guided sense of duty. Henry was greatly disturbed by the killing
and the guilty were eventually hunted down. In time, the king humiliated himself
in penance by walking through the streets of Canterbury without shoes while suffering
a flogging administered by rows of monks. In 1173 Thomas Becket was canonized by
the Pope following unprecedented popular devotion to the martyred bishop.
they lay sacrilegious hands on him, pulling and dragging him that they may kill
him outside the church, or carry him away a prisoner, as they afterwards confessed.
But when he could not be forced away from the pillar, one of them pressed on him
and clung to him more closely. Him he pushed off calling him 'pander', and saying,
'Touch me not, Reginald; you owe me fealty and subjection; you and your accomplices
act like madmen.'
"The knight, fired with a terrible rage at this severe repulse, waved
his sword over the sacred head. 'No faith', he cried, 'nor subjection
do I owe you against my fealty to my lord the King.'
- The account of Edward Grim, a monk who witnessed
the murder of Thomas Becket.
Image at left: Interior portal at
Canterbury cathedral, leading to the altar.